Executive Education

As an executive, you need  to think, lead and communicate more strategically than you did as a manager.

My Masterclass based on practical, business and organizational realities will help you scale your business and your career.



Hi, I'm Patty Azzarello

Business Executive. Consultant. Author. Speaker. Executive Career Guide. CXO whisperer.

Unlike a university based executive education program, this unique Masterclass gives you an opportunity to learn direcly from a CEO (me) who built her career from the ground up. I created this practical program to share the roadmap -- the insights, hazards and real-world examples and techniques that will enable you to reach and succeed at the executive level.


Masterclass Overview: 3 Parts

When your role evolves from manager to executive, the new skills required are totally different -- and often not clearly spelled out. You need to understand in a very practical way, the new demands and changing expectations in executive roles and get it right, from the start…or you won’t succeed.

There is not another training out there that specifically prepares you in such a straightforward way to know what’s expected, and that gives you the roadmap, the tools and the confidence to actually do it. 

This Masterclass provides the critical keys needed for executive success that most people only learn from a mentor who has been a top business executive.

There are 3 areas you need to include in your executive education to effectively to scale your role, transform your business, gain an advantage and stand out at the executive level.  You need to...

1. Lead Execution of Strategic Change

How to think and operate more strategically

If you want to be an executive, you need to lead strategic change. You need to chart, align (and stay focused on) a clear and executable strategy; to optimize your management team for the future; and to engage, develop and motivate employees to move the business forward.

>More (plus free video previews) below...

2. Develop Sponsorship & Support

How to broaden communication and networking skills necessary at the executive level

You need to effectively sell your ideas and recruit alliances. At the executive level, your career is very much tied to your network of support.

>More (plus free video previews) below...

3. Build Trust & Confidence as a Leader

How to show up as a leader that inspires and builds confidence 

— it’s what makes people choose to trust and follow you or not. The most effective and inspiring leaders are very clear about their personal leadership strategy their Personal Brand that they show authentically and consistently.

>More (plus free video previews) below...

What's in the Masterclass (3 Parts)

Part 1. Driving Strategic Change

Based on my best selling book MOVE, this part of the class will show you how to lead an organization to drive business execution, transformation or scale. You'll get a clear map of the roadblocks and hazards; practical tools necessary for getting alignment, motivation and engagement; and techniques to ensure accountability, momentum and forward progress in implementing your strategy.




1. Ruthless Priorities: Enable growth and scale. Lower distraction and stress (27 mins)

2, Negotiating Priorities and Conflicts: Defend your ability to work on things that have the most impact (19 mins)

3. Strategy and Timelines: Keep your team focused on the critical actions long term (24 mins)

4. Clarity, Conflict and Decision Making: Accelerate effective decision making and resource tradeoffs (21 mins)

5. Metrics that Drive Action and Results: Create measures that ensure progress and that the right things happen (18 mins)

6. Unrealistic Expectations: Don't sign up for the impossible. Negotiate for reality.
(19 mins)




1. Building the Right Team: How to create the team you need vs. make do with the team you have. (26 mins)

2. Performance Management: Manage high and low performance and create a performance-based culture (29 mins)

3. The Level Dilemma (Valor): How to increase the value you deliver each time you step up. Don't miss it! (33 mins)

4. Delegating to Build Capability: Develop your organization through delegating and teaching (30 mins)

5. Influence and Matrix Management: Motivate People to WANT to do the work. (31 mins)

6. Virtual and Remote Teams: Drive engagement, teamwork, motivation and performance from afar (37 mins)




1. True Employee Engagement: How the best leaders use unstructured conversation to engage people on a personal level (23 mins)

2. Decorate the Change: Create ongoing signs of support so people continue to believe you are serious about execution (39 mins)

3. Communicating for Action: Learn the keys to consistent and effective top-down and cross-functional communication
(34 mins)


Part 2. Develop Sponsorship and Support

There are a few key executive career necessities ... aspects of building credibility and broad support that are essential if you want to succeed as an executive. This part of the class will give you the communication and networking tools you need to work and influence effectively inside and outside the organization.



1. Build Support

Build a strong network of support for your strategy and your career, without it feeling awkward, shallow or self-serving (23 mins)



2. Get it right, fast!

Make sure you hit the mark quickly with your content, your style and your delivery. You don't get a second chance. (39 mins)



3. Always get help

Don't be the only one who cares about your work or your career. Successful people get the most help! (34 mins)


Part 3. Authentic Leadership and Personal Brand (BONUS Class)

This additional class, included with your Masterclass, will show you how you can develop an authentic personal leadership strategy and Personal Brand based on your core values and natural strengths. You'll build your confidence and effectiveness to become an inspiring and respected leader


1. Maximize Your Strengths

How to focus on your natural strengths and use them to thrive at work, build confidence and get a career advantage (29 mins)


2. Honor Your Core Values. Be Authentic.

Who you are as a person matters more and more as you advance. Knowing your core values makes you a stronger leader and more sane! (22 mins)


3. Understand How You Are Perceived and Build Credibility

You have a Personal Brand right now whether you know it or not.  Is it what you want? Don't leave this to chance (38 mins)


Pricing Options


One-time Payment

Learn on your own schedule

Support: Included: 1 year Membership to Patty's Executive Mentoring Group
($269 value)

Ongoing Support: Twice monthly group coaching sessions (1 year)

Includes: Authentic Leadership and Personal Brand Class ($199 value)




6 Month Payment Plan

Get all the same stuff,

but pay over 6 months 

($350/month for 6 months)



Let's talk

Group and Organization Discounts

Corporate Volume Discount

Customization: Patty will tune the course to reflect your business needs and strategy

Forum: Private workspace and comment forum for your group

Dedicated Coaching: Group Sessions with Patty just for your group

Ongoing Support: Membership to Patty's Executive Mentoring Group for 1 year ($269/person value)

Includes: Authentic Leadership and Personal Brand Class


What People are Saying...


"A plan I can execute"

Participants in the live session

"You will prepared to take on new challenges"

"Essential tools for navigating a coporate career"

"If you are not sure what the next step is for your career success, take this class!"


"A must for any manager"

Susan Poser, Sr. Director

“Patty’s Business Leadership Masterclass is a must for any manager trying to grow in their career. I have been managing people for years and didn’t think there would be anything I haven’t heard or done, but I was wrong.  I walked away with pages and pages of notes with insightful tips and practical ideas from Patty that are easy to implement right away! I lead a geographically dispersed, virtual team and Patty had some great ideas on team building activities that could be done virtually! Love it! I highly recommend this program for anyone serious about improving themselves and their management skills.”

"A career transformation"

Steve Diamond, Sr. Director

This class helped transform my career when I most needed it. I didn’t feel like I was growing. I was working in a corporate culture where it was very difficult to grow or change course.

Using what’s in the class, I gained the confidence and the skills I needed, and was able to transform my career, and I have continued to advance.


What Organization Leaders Say...

Saar Shwartz: CMO 

Just put my team through this Patty Azzarello leadership training and the thank you notes keep overwhelming my inbox. I’ve been following Patty for over ten years and can honestly attribute my ongoing career growth to her insights. In my humble opinion, she is the best leadership and career development authority in market.

Patty relates to her audience by the fact that she has led many high-performing functions in sales, marketing, R&D, and general business. Her product is a profound yet practical, “next day” applicable framework with plenty of real world examples of do’s and don’ts. Her style is very approachable, and she is using humor in a way that creates an instant connection with her audience. 

I have a very demanding and experienced team that often think that they know it all and have heard it all, all of which walked away from this experience extremely grateful and excited about what they can do different in their roles.
I will be more than happy to take calls or answer any questions from anyone interested!


Greg Austin: Head of Marketing  

My team has more than doubled in size which brought new challenges in how we had to think about and scale our work.

Patty was instrumental in 4 major areas: Understanding and setting Ruthless Priorities, organizing around those priorities, how we engage our team so that they feel empowered and excited, and also how to effectively and credibly partner with other business leaders across the company.

Patty helped us shape how we think about our work in these 4 areas in a way that is authentic and also fun. I also can’t stress enough how pragmatic Patty is and how practical and usable the insights she put into this class are. She forces you to think through the implications of how you are actually going to DO something. So the outcomes are very tangible.

The impact is that we are more focused on our Ruthless Priorities, less distracted, and more clear about our values and how we as a management team show up to each other and our stakeholders. I can’t encourage enough, working with Patty based on the impact the topics in this Masterclass have had with me and my team. Contact Patty if you want to talk to me, Happy to!

The MOVE Model in this Class

The majority of the content in this class around driving strategic change and leading business execution is based on the MOVE model as described in my book MOVE.

M is for the MIDDLE. After all the planning, the exciting kick-off, and definition of inspiring end goals, all strategies share a Middle, where everyhting needs to happen but where new initiatives tend to stall.  As leaders we must guide our teams to stay focused and motivated through the long, hazardous Middle. 

O is for Organization. There is no antidote for the wrong team. We must build the team we NEED not just make do with the TEAM we have.

V is for Valor. Leadership is hard. We need to deal with our insecurities and fears and make tough decisions and tradeoffs if we want our strategy to succeed. 

E is for Everyone. You can lead a transformation from the top but you can't DO a transformation from the top. You need to get the whole organization motivated and engaged and moving forward together. 


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